Saturday, September 13, 2008

Belgian Nationals, Part 2

In part one you heard all about my preparation for Nationals and how I, albeit a bit emotional, reached the tournament site.

After arriving my yoga sessions pay off since my mental condition becomes perfect and I even have an enormous lust to sling red spells. Let's get it on!

Round 1, Geert Tyssens with Red-Black tokens
I take the first game with a strong draw. During sideboarding I am actually salivating as I bring in Gargadons and Unwilling Recruits which give me hope for winning this otherwise bad matchup. In the second game things are back and forth until he gets out two Grave Pacts and draws a Mogg War Marshall. My hope wasn’t misplaced though as I manage to kill him in the decider before he has time for shenanigans.

Round 2, Tristan Pype with something including green
This match was such a beating that I don’t even remember what deck he played. I do recall him playing Primal Command, going to 16, and dying the next turn anyway. What can I say, Demigods treat other Demigods well.

Round 3, Johan Dewez with funky Quick 'n Toast
The first game is pretty even until I drop the hammer - I can't remember if it was Demigod number two or a combination of burn spells. In the second he wants to cast Sudden Death (which he fetched with Mystical Teachings the turn before) with an empty Dreadship Reef, Reflecting Pool and two other lands as I turn my Figure into a monster. He awkwardly looks at his lands and scoops.

3-0, did you expect anything else?

I sit down at a table without many familiar faces, and open Mulldrifter and Cairn Wanderer. I figure Mulldrifter is the best pick, but I’m not sure (it’s been a while). In the end Cairn Wanderer finds his way into my pile and I immediately regret it. I continue with Lash Out over Aethersnipe and then Wren’s Run Vanquisher. After I pick Lys Alana Scarblade out of an empty pack and see another one in the next pack I decide to go all-in on Elves (Going all-in is almost always the right move in this format if you are unaware).

All in.

The deck:
Bramblewood Paragon
2 Wren Run’s Vanquisher
Blightsoil Druid
Leaf Gilder
Kithkin Mourncaller
Moonglove Changeling
3 Lys Alana Scarblade
Gilt-Leaf Ambush
Ambassador Oak
Lys Alana Huntmaster
Final-Sting Faerie
Elvish Promenade
Cairn Wanderer
Weed-Pruner Poplar
Nightshade Schemers

Nameless Inversion
Moonglove Extract

9 Forest
8 Swamp

I was happy with the result, nothing is really lacking and I have some powerful cards and synergy.

Round 4, Stijn Van Goethem, Blue-Red Elementals
Something went wrong with Stijn’s draft, most of his cards are mediocre and he never really has a chance.

Round 5, Julien Bernard, White-Black Kithkin
The first game is going according to plan until Final Revels wreaks havoc. I win the next even though I have embarrassing moment #1:
My Vanquisher is facing Moonglove Changeling and Kithkin Greatheart. I want to trade with the changeling and thus attack, unaware of the fact that the Greatheart is big and I have no tricks up my sleeve. Julien immediately pushes the Greatheart forward and my heart pounds as I realize my misplay, but I manage to stay cool on the outside and a fraction of a second later he takes it back and thinks some more. Finally he decides not to take the risk and trades with his changeling. Ding!

Unfortunately it was all for naught as he comes out strong in the last game, unlike myself, and I'm left defeated.

Round 6, Michael De Bosscher, Blue-Black
After losing the first game, I take the match fairly easily with my Scarblades playing a key role.

Still in the mood for more, I manage to start up a Shadowmoor draft, in the hope of having a clue tomorrow instead of spending all my pick time reading Eventide cards. I manage to draft a really solid Black-Red deck but in a close final against Peter I succumb to his monored. At least I had my first positive record in the format.

Until next time, when this epic story will come to its dramatic end,

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