Monday, June 30, 2008


Blogs are hip.
I am hip.

A perfect match.

No seriously, the point of this blog is to make it easy for me and a couple of other writers to post some magic related ramblings. New entries should be linked to on

I have been slacking a lot lately, magicwise. Haven't written an article in a long time. Haven't played a lot either. GP Brussels was kind of a disaster, partially because I almost hadn't played since Kuala Lumpur (aside from GP Vienna -66th).
I was busy with univ and oher things, and I slightly started losing my magical appetite. But skipping a PT and Marijn top8ing again, made it clear to me that I loved the travelling to big tourneys. And guess what. These tournaments are even more fun when you win.

I'm not a 'natural'. I need to play a lot to stay in/on top/somewhere in the middle of the game. That's why I'm getting used to the new Magic Online and I'll be trying to do a draft every day to get to know the cards again. I swallowed my pride and it'll be 4322's to begin with.

Yesterday was the first draft. I drafted some kind of monoish white deck with Pili-Pala and Power of Fire. Nice combo apparently.
Here's today's draft. Where I lost round 1:

I was about to disconnect. I mean, 'gg?'. COME ON!
But then I realized the world would be a happier place if we all just got along. So I just conceded.

It's funny how awful the plays I make during these drafts, are. I'm not blaming misclicks. I just miss some obvious plays. And I make assumptions about shadowmoor cards instead of reading them. Yesterday I played Niveous Wisps on my 2/2 to take down a 3 thoughness guy.

Huh? what?
Modo bugged again? Man, always the same...

Oh wait, Niveous Wisps doesn't make a guy white and give it +1/+0.
Concede in disgust.

I don't know how much & what I'll be posting here on this blog.
I kinda like the possibilities though. You'll be able to search for certain posts & comment directly beneath the article/report.

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